DGems: Daily Gospel Reflections by Msgr Philip Heng, S.J. Reviews – Page 3

5/5 rating based on 66 reviews. Read all reviews for DGems: Daily Gospel Reflections by Msgr Philip Heng, S.J for iPhone.
DGems: Daily Gospel Reflections by Msgr Philip Heng, S.J is free iOS app published by Philip Heng

Quick and Easy


Its good to have for a quick reading of the gospel and good to start the day

Great App! Use it everyday!

Turkey 117

Great app! Use it everyday!

Quick & straightforward

Kranky K

Straight to the point. Great and easy to implement into my day.

It's like having a Homily in your pocket!

Spider Jerusalem

One of the most useful apps I have! This is just a simple straight forward Catholic "Scripture-a-day" app, but it includes a small discussion and Points of Reflection regarding that days Scripture. Well designed and easy to use!



i think this is a great app for a daily touchbase with the gospel

Just love it


Easy to use, great app!


Miles Laptop Power Mac

Great app! I use it for homily starter and thought of the day

Thought provoking


This app is excellent for helping me to meditate on the day's gospel reading. The commentary is always relevant. I find the questions a good starting place for meditation on the reading.

De Gems


I find the questions both thought-provoking and challenging. I try to read them every day.

RtB - parish volunteer


A must have app that is definitely worth reading daily to supplement our prayers.