DEATHSMILES Reviews – Page 2

5/5 rating based on 74 reviews. Read all reviews for DEATHSMILES for iPhone.
DEATHSMILES is paid iOS app published by CAVE Co., Ltd.

Thanks! Pls bring back Espgaluda next!

Chrono Cross

I rarely rate games, but I will make an exception for making this great game compatible again! Pls bring Espagluda next :) Blessings

Great game, silly UI issues, major bug


Boy was I excited to see Deathsmiles return. I love this game, I love the smartphone mode with upgrade equipment, and bullet hell games just feel right to me with the immediacy of a touch interface with no lag. I missed this game a lot when it woulf no longer run on current OS versions, so I was ecstatic to see it revived from the dead. Sadly, there is one massive issue for longtime players and several really annoying UI issues on an iPhone X. The biggest problem by far is that, upon opening, I got an error message in Japanese that the save file is corrupt... and had ALL my smartphone mode goodies vanish. Given that I had spent many, many hours grinding literally all but a single item, this was frustrating to put it mildly. At least my purchased items restored correctly. The remaining annoyances: - On an iPhone X the curtain graphic extrnds all the way to the edges of the screen, but the touch area does not. This is s disaster, since it means you still need to keep your finger on top of the gameplay to control, and if you drift too far your character just stops moving. - Likewise on the right side, the buttons aren’t in the extended screen, instead blocking the gameplay area for no reason. - It doesn’t hide the swipe bar on an iPhone X so if you don’t use the Accessibility trick for licking yourself in the app or shrink the gameplay area needlessly, you will keep bumping it when trying to hit buttons. - You can’t rotate the screen. This is notably annoying because in the orientation they chose my left hand is on top of the bottom side speaker so I lose the left channel of audio. Flipping the screen like 99% of landscape apps allow would fix this. - Button targets at the bottom of the screen are wonky, so it is difficult to tap some shop buttons and almost impossible to get the shop previews to display. - The word “long” in any cutscene text is replaced with “Int32”, which is possibly the most hilarious find-and-replace error ever. On the positive side, this new version fixes text clipping errors in the shop, and you can full screen it and move the screen to the left or right as well. C’mon, Cave, at least fix the UI bugs. The save loss bug makes me afraid it’ll happen again if I spend hours grinding rare items.

All progress and in app purchases deleted


Any chances to recover my save and in app purchases?

Thank you!


Thank you for the update! This is wonderful! Please bring back Mushihimesama Bug Panic too please!



(updated after the October 23, 2019 update) ::: STILL... For some reason, with the Lucky Charm equipped, I am only getting gold treasure items. Not one equip item after playing through a whole game. I have no idea why the developers have changed this in the update. I just checked my old version that's on my iPhone 5, iOS 7, and I got 10 equip items in 1 novice game. This new version? ZERO! Zero in an ENTIRE GAME! I had to play 3, 3 entire playthroughs to get ONE equip item. WITH THE LUCKY CHARM EQUIPPED!!! Why?!?! Why in the world would you change this?! Building up 9 of one item in order to get the bonus will now take upwards of who knows how many playthroughs (I'm going to go ahead and give a rough estimate of AT LEAST 30) instead of 9-15. I will say thank you for fixing the unresponsivness when touching the borders and re-enabling screen rotation, but really, these should not have been issues/removed from the game in the first place. It's so disappointing. Whoever is going in and literally changing code to make the game worse in these ridiculous ways is REALLY dropping the ball.


Eight bitt

Thanks for the fix. Can control on curtain area now. ? Bug panic please! And bug princess!

Great game! A must own, with high replay value!


I am extremely ecstatic that cave FINALLY updated their library and more importantly, revised Death Smiles to be playable again in iOS!!!! I’ve missed this game so much!

Time to update!


Cave, I love your games but you seriously need to update all of them to work on iOS 12+ I paid a lot of money to get every one of your iOS games and now I can’t play most of them! Please do your fans a service and update them all! I miss Bug Princess the most. Thanks for updating Dodonpachi and Deathsmiles, but you must support your fans an update these games!

iPhone X


Can y’all update it for the iPhone X. I miss playing it?

Heyy Cave.. we need this app update

Human fired

What are you guys doing.. pls update ios games.. i bought this game and i cant play this game now.. ?