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Daily Bible Free

Daily Bible Be inspired with daily devotions, prayers and Bible verses with our Daily Bible App.
Category Price Seller Device
Book Free Arrtak Voskanyan iPhone, iPad, iPod

Also read the King James Bible.


New Update = Too Many Ads

In short, every time you click on a new page you have will I watch an ad for at least 5 seconds. I know people tend to exaggerate ads but I'm not in this case. Every single time you click on something on this app there is an ad. The old version was amazing! Not only are you forced to watch ads now they also got rid of a lot of cool features like, the audio part. I'm sad, this was my favorite bible app and I had to delete it.

Too many pop ups

App is almost useless. Has many areas for users to discover bible verses, however the constant pop up when navigating from screen to screen is ridiculous

Very disappointed

All of my favorite features that made this bible app unique were removed. Where is the "Intro," "Today's Reading," and "Reflect" portion of the devotional. Also, the addition of so many intrusive adds is a turn off. I appreciated the old version, but will not be using this one.

Love this App

This is my go-to App to look up scriptures and also the podcasts from favorite teachers like Joyce Meyers and Joel Osteen, and others, quick and easy to use. Although some complained about the "too many ads" I wonder if any made any donations at all to support the App? Just saying... I can't complain I've used this App for years and I download it to any new device I have because it's easy to use and I enjoy the podcasts. Thanks! ??

Too much ads
Felisha relisha

Everytime i click something, an ad pops up. CAN I GET SOME GOOD BIBLE READING W/O HAVING TO CLOSE AN AD EVERY 30 SECS???!!!

App does not working
J.R. Currie

This app does not work at all on the iPhone. When trying to open it I just got a "page cannot be displayed" error.



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