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Curai Health

First Opinion is the fastest way to talk to a doctor, 24/7, at work or home, even at 3AM. Ask your doctor anything for free, get prescriptions for $39. Our top-rated doctors are by your side for the little question or the big concern.
Category Price Seller Device
Medical Free Curai, Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

• FAST – Connect in minutes.
• FREE – Unlimited chat with a doctor, 24/7 for free. Ask a doctor any medical questions you have, right now. If treatment is needed, a prescription or lab is available for $39.
• PRESCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE – The expanded service where you can send photos or receive a diagnosis or prescriptions for $39 is available in Arizona, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.
• NO TIME LIMITS – Stay connected until your issue is resolved. Message as much and as often as you’d like.
• 100% PRIVATE – First names only within the app so you can share without any embarrassment.
• YOUR DOCTOR FOLLOWS UP – Your doctor will personally reach out to you after every discussion just to check in and see how everything’s going
• EASY RESULTS – Get itemized notes from your doctor after each consultation
• COMMON MOM QUESTIONS – Ask a doctor, or pediatrician, about illness, nutrition, pregnancy, child development, fertility, sleep training, lactation, as well as anything else you've ever wondered about. Ask a doctor about care for your child or children.
• GOING ON A TRIP? – Know what travel vaccinations you need and recommended prescriptions to carry. Plus you can take your doctor with you wherever you go. No need to look for a local doctor again.
• SHARE HEALTH DATA – Automatically send your doctor info about your health and activity through HealthKit
• PERSONALIZED – Unlike a Google or WebMD search, your doctor gets to know you and gives health information specific to you.

No topic is off the table. Ask a doctor about:
• Skin Problems like Rashes, Acne, Bites
• Birth Control and Oral Contraceptive
• Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
• Sexual Health, STDs, HIV concerns
• Pregnancy
• Flu, Cold, Fever, Sore Throat
• Vomiting, Diarrhea
• Problems Sleeping
• Allergies
• Persistent Coughs
• Chronic Diseases
• Pediatric Concerns, Children’s Health
• Hair Restoration
• Cold Sores
• Pink Eye, Eye Infections


My days of paranoid Web Md spirals are gone

I love this app! No more pouring over Web MD articles trying to diagnose yourself and decipher wether or not your symptoms are cause for alarm. When unsure, I tended to err on the side of not seeking medical attention and, instead, just worrying myself to death about wether I had a hemroid or cancer. It’s been almost life-changing to be able to get an informed opinion so quickly and feel secure in your course of action. This app has calmed much of my anxiety around symptoms that I have and, now, I don’t even bother anymore with scrolling through search results that only ever served to confuse me and make me feel more anxious. When you start a chat, you get a relatively quick response...usually within 15 mins and everyone I’ve chatted with has been personable and good at communicating information in a way that I can easily understand. My only complaints really are that I wish you were allowed like 30-50 more characters when you type out your initial query and I think that the automated aspect which prompts you with symptoms to check yes or no on should have an option that says “maybe” or “kind of” instead of “I don’t know”.



App is great
Aaron hoang

This app works perfectly, When I search up symptoms on google it gives tells me it’s super serious and this app calms me down and they tell me how to heal it fast, And they are super nice and they respond fast and also after a month without talking to them they check on you seeing if your ok I differently recommend app to people who can’t afford to go to doctors or people who don’t know to to solve your problem I recommend it to everyone it makes me so calm and happy knowing when I get sick or back pain I can ask someone really fast

Terrible 0 STARS
That 70s show rocks

I waited for over an hour for a response and when i got one she didn’t speak english very good so there was a communication problem and she acted like my problem was made up or she didn’t understand after telling her what the problem is ive used this app before and got a quick response with a person who actually seemed to care about my problems and tried to help but as of 2020 DO NOT GET THIS APP T

Honest review

Takes way too long, I’m still waiting for a response ? don’t trust this

Only works in CA

Was a decent app , but as time progressed took days sometime to respond and now only is usable in California. Definitely deleting off my phone.

Voiceover compatibility

This is a great app. I am blind. Can you please make this app compatible with Voiceover? This is the screen reader for blind people. For more info please go to: This is a great


This is a terrible app , they take forever for responses , you get 1 “doctor” , any answer they give you , you can look on google . Also they have it to where only California people can answer for now . Terrible app I do not recommend!

Used to help

I used to use this when I wasn’t sure of something. It was great and fantastic. But now they updated, the name changed, and now it’s not available in my state. So now I can’t get free answers or help.

Don’t download you’re wasting your time

Horrible!! They changed the app and now they don’t work with anyone out of California which Is RIDICULOUS... don’t waste your time