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Crochet Handy

Crochet Handy helps you quickly determine exactly how much yarn you need for your next crochet project. Ann Budd, best-selling author and expert crocheter, has transformed her successful Crocheter’s Handy Guide to Yarn Requirements (Interweave) into the perfect app for crocheters of all skill levels. This visual tool explores the yardage requirements for eight of the most popular crocheted items: basic caps, scarves, bags, afghans, ponchos, baby sweaters, skirts, and tops. Crochet Handy shows all sizes ranging from baby or toddler to large adult, using five standard yarn weights—from fingering to bulky. You’ll want this app any time you’re working with your yarn—buying online at a craft or yarn shop, and with your own yarn stash at home. It’s the best go-everywhere accessory for crocheters! Download today.
Category Price Seller Device
Lifestyle $0.99 F Plus W Media, Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod


At Interweave, we want to make sure our applications enhance your crafting experience. Our expert, helpful customer service team is always standing by to answer your questions, help you with any technical issues, and hear your suggestions for making our applications even better.

If you have any issues with or suggestions relating to functionality of the iPad app itself, we want to hear from you. Please email us at [email protected] so that we can address your concerns.



I love Ann Budd and have the paper version of her crochet yarn estimater. Unfortunately, this app does not equal it. The projects are vey limited - including skullcaps instead of hats, only sleeveless adult sweaters, but two types of skirts. I don't think I will ever make a skirt but I do make sweaters and hats. Scarves are limited to only 3 sizes. And gauge is limited to 2.5 to 6. This is very disappointing. I expected more from something from Interweave.

Quick reference

Not as thorough as what you can get in a book but for a quick reference and tool for my phone when I'm out shopping, it's great. Looking forward to updates with more projects and gauges, etc, nice first shot!


Good idea, but needs more choices. Limited in usefulness. No sweaters, no shawls, no socks. Afghans and ponchos are almost the same, so why list both? Not worth the price, should be a free app.

Limited app'

Very disappoint it ! ;(

Crochet Handy
2nd JayJay

Need to bring needle size into the equation otherwise can't see it being much help

Love this!

Super quick, easy to use. Make a quick gauge swatch if you don't know what hook size delivers a certain # of sts per inch or cm. Best needlework app I've found.

Crochet mania

Terrible yardage listing for sweaters or jackets!


This app is very limited compared to the brochure. I hope interweave will be adding to or updating this app. I was looking for more scarves, cowls or hats. Kinda disappointed and expected better from interweave.

Extremely disappointing

This app doesn't have enough projects and the listed are not "the most common"! I would give it no stars!

Unusable with IOS update

They still haven’t updated this app to be usable with the newest update. Completely unusable.

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