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Download Crazy Coco

Crazy Coco

Bored by the face of you friends or family? CocoLoco helps you changing it.
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Entertainment Free Andreas Blick iPhone, iPad, iPod

Download and print out the marker found at:

Ask your friends or family to hold the marker on you chest. Point your iPad or iPhone at it and a caricature face appears above his real face.
You can scale the faces eyes, nose and hair, touching them with one finger.
Touching the screen with three fingers the whole face appearance changes.
Swiping your finger from left to right, wind starts blowing and deforming the caricature face. Keep on swiping to make the wind stronger.
A sneeze can be provoked by touching the nose with two fingers.
Touching the chin with one finger it goes down and an animation runs.




I don't like this. I don't even understand how it works. Use better instructions. Deleting now!


Dumbest app evrr

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