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Coyote Calls

Enjoy the different calling of the coyotes. Having the coyote calls by your side can be useful. Use it in a classroom. Use it to get a girl's attention. Use it complement something attractive. Use it to talk to a coyote.
Category Price Seller Device
Utilities Free SMART WIRE LLC iPhone, iPad, iPod

We claim no responsibility for anyone who get attack by coyotes while using this app.



This app needs update

This app needs updated to work on iso 11

Coyote Calls

This app needs to update to IOS 11

Needs update
fin jim

This app needs updated to work on the new iOS


Will u really get attacked by coyotes if u use this app out side???

Do NOT use while on peyote!

I know it rhymes. And not many things do rhyme with "coyote", so it's tempting. But, trust me—bad idea. Lost a star there. Other than that, it's great. As the description admonishes, "use it to get the attention of a girl." I was at the food court (Chik-Fil-A) and this pretty gal walked by—boy oh boy did the group howl get her attention. I quickly switched to another scrolling banner app with the message "HEY HOTTIE. CAN I GET YOUR NUMBER?", but she was already IN Forever 21 by the time I had switched to the banner app. (I didn't have the message programmed in.) Like most of the other hunters in these reviews, I'm also illiterate and unable to spell or use proper grammar. I just noticed that little words pop up when I type and I figured out finally (this morning) that the it's the iPhone's built-in spellchecker. Boy, has that ever been helpful! All in all, I have enjoyed many a (non-peyote) night on the porch callin' them coyotes thanks to this app.

Not too bad, lacks something
Jamal kretter

This app lacks "in distress" calls and clear sounds. I did hear coyotes but I would have sooner if I was just really quiet and sat outside, but a few cows started mooing and my dog was obviously reacting to the calls. Also, without an external speaker the calls are very quiet.


Lots of different calls to choose from. Nice app :)


I was clicking the call button and then out of the woods I heard a coyote call back I ran in the house and we saw 1 coyote then 2 then 3 and 4. Then a whole pack. For your safety DO NOT GET THIS APP and most of all you should really read the description.

Dirt rock choclote

I tried it on my pitbull and he was running and when he heard it he stared forword


Coyotes DO NOT attack people, they r more scared of you then you are of them genius! I have hunted coyoyes my whole life & its hard as hell to call them in & get them close. So dont believe that coyotes are going to come attack you if you use this app.

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