Community College Hero Reviews – Page 2

5/5 rating based on 56 reviews. Read all reviews for Community College Hero for iPhone.
Community College Hero is paid iOS app published by Hosted Games LLC



This game is amazingly thought out and i know how to do everything perfectly how to get every girl how to get upgraded 3 times and I really want the sequel to come out soon. I really liked and u might to.

It's definitely an ok game...


I am a big fan of the stories that come out from both Choice Of Games, as well as Hosted Games, and I have to say, this one disappointed me a bit. The story itself isn't terrible, there's a whole lot of people you interact with and can befriend, and almost all of them have very unique personalities. That being said though, I feel like the story was a bit bland from what I was used to. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it, but I couldn't help feeling like there was something missing. The other thing that bummed me out, as I'm sure a few other people who weren't acquainted with the game may have been disappointed by, is that you're not Super; you have zero powers. I like the idea of the story of playing an underdog with no super powers whilst competing with your Powered peers to do well, however most of the game I just felt super bummed out that I couldn't do anything power-wise. I was hopeful when the early choice that asked you what power you wanted as a kid would coincide with you discovering that you in fact did have powers, and that they were the ones you wanted, but I ended up being disappointed. Overall it's still a nice game. Any game that gives me an easy way to get an A on my final earns some points in my book. (Lord knows I'd never be able to do that in real life. ?) Is it worth the money? It depends on how critical you are of these story games. I personally got my money's worth, but that's up to you.

Really impressive


This game was very interesting to me because at first I assumed it would be a Heroes Rise knock off. Once had played it for a bit I saw that it really wasn't. While it had similar aspects because of the Super Hero nature of the two story's it was clearly its own thing. The writer does a fantastic job with the separate characters and giving them each a distinct feel. I loved the humor incorporated in the game and when I replayed it as a different type of hero I loved how there are complete differences dialog wise and in terms of character interaction. I also noticed that the author clearly put thought, time and love into this story and whenever that translates across as clearly as it did here, you know it is a game worth playing. I absolutely recomend you try it if you love super heroes and text based games. My biggest hope is that the sequel is able to hold up to this game!

Best Hosted Game I've Ever Played


Honestly, this story/game is awesome. The writing was great, story engaging, and your choices definitely play a role in things. The characters are diverse and unique, all with their own personalities and were pretty much just generally interesting! I enjoyed the romance options, and the achievements you can get are really extensive. Community College Hero is what I'd consider to be the best Hosted Game put out there! I'm not sure if I've ever given a five star rating to anything on the App yeah, that isn't done lightly. At first I was disappointed that my character didn't have powers, but things were really fun despite that. I will be looking forward to the next installment in this series! I'd like to see relationships develop even more between the characters, especially between a character your main character is romancing/in a relationship with XP. But yeah, sorry this was long and sounded semi professional and then went to...well, not so much. Haha, whatever this story is awesome! Already spent too much time playing it but think I will continue to do so for a bit more. (Also, totally worth the money! Almost forgot to add that in ?)

More Content??


I really enjoyed the game so far, but after realizing the story is incomplete my wallet started burning. I realized that I'd spent money on a game that I can't continue! So it's mainly my fault, though I think the price is a little too much for the amount of content, hopefully the rest of the chapters will be downloadable free or at least cheaper. Overall I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to people who enjoy interactive stories, but 4 dollars for a <2 hour game even for a mobile app seems a bit much to me.

Very great adventure!


To keep this nice and short, this game is one of the better titles that CoG has produced. Download it now!

Great storyline and characters!


This story is great! Very detailed and keeps you wanting to read more. The only reason I gave 4 out of 5 stars is because of the response choices given. Hardly any matched my strong personality, but it's ok. I can overlook it since it is hard to capture all your readers personality into one story so I understand. Still loved it! How do we find out when the next chapters come out??? I hope soon!!



A very good start to what I personally hope will be a great series of games. A must buy if you are into interactive fiction.



Plot kind of on rails, numerous fake choices, boring subsection involving taking an exam (what the--?) unininteresting characters. Give this a pass. Instead, go play Choice of Robots or Zombie Exodus, both pretty cool games from this publisher.

Loved it ?


I purchased this game last night and stayed up waaay too late to play through most of the romances and get most of the achievements. Definitely the best COG game I've played recently. The one thing I hope the author does is add the Hedonist as a romance, I'd be interested in hearing more about his story.