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Download Check_n bar

Check_n bar

A friend that will pay for your drinks is just one step away ;-)
Category Price Seller Device
Food & Drink Free Serhii Cheromush iPhone, iPad, iPod

Going to a bar with the CHCK-N app you can buy drinks not with your money but by simply posting a selfie* on your facebook page. Sounds like a miracle? Major alcohol and beverage brands don't think so. They are a ready to exchange your selfies on drinks in bars, night clubs and festival all over the world!

Your selfie will be branded with a small watermark with a logo of the brand that will pay for your drink.

For the bar:

You want to promote your bar or a night club with tons of sefies taken in your place right now? Then download the cheapest and the most efficient promotion tool that was ever made!

For the brand:

Does your consumer consider your brand to be his friend? No? Than the way you were promoting your product before is out of time, to expansive and not efficient enough!
Give away your product to your consumers and they will promote it better than anything else that you have done before! How much will cost you? Not more than the price of the drink that you produce or sell.


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