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Download CDR-Copters


Navigate the chicken through the beams and swinging pendulums. Collect the coins to earn points. Simply tap the screen to move the chicken back and forth. How high can you go? Challenge your friends in this addicting test of skill.
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Games Free Blake Eckert iPhone, iPad, iPod


Haha great games 5

Very interesting game. I have a hard time putting it down. The music is carnival like and adds a lot to the game. I enjoy this app thoroughly!

Super Fun

Hey It's Me And Your Games Are Fun,Amazing,Addictive. Hope You Create More And I'll Be Happy

CDR copters is love, CDR copters is life

This game is kind of hard but the music make me want to dab my head off. Definitely the best game I've ever played.

Great game
Truth Though

Best Game I have ever played on my phone! Addicting

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