CarMusic - Smart player for your Car Icon
Download CarMusic - Smart player for your Car

CarMusic - Smart player for your Car

CarMusic, an intuitive player, useful in cars, at work and at home with AirPlay or on a dock station. It uses simple commands based on gestures.
Category Price Seller Device
Music Free David Bonnet iPhone, iPad, iPod

Combined with your library and your iPod's playlists, CarMusic adds :
- Play/Pause in a simple touch
- Next song with a left swipe
- Previous song with a right swipe

But also an optimization of actions for the driver :
- A simple finger touch, and you add your whole library in a shuffle play
- A double up or down swipe, and you listen the whole now playing album or artist songs*.
- A double right or left swipe, and you navigate through an album even if its songs are not in the playlist*.

A RED traffic light, a STOP ? Two-finger touch on screen and more playing options are available :
- Jump to the part of this song that I loved!
- Repeat features
- Play your playlist in shuffle mode

And many more other features about display, gestures and even more...

Idle mode is automatically desactivated when your device is plugged to keep control easily on playback without unlocking the screen.

Thus you are more concentrated on the road, and less on your iPod.

* Nevertheless they need to be in your library


Good while it lasts!

Still my favorite free car player please update to support iOS 11!

Doesn’t work in iOS 11

Great app, favorite car music player by far, but it doesn’t work in iOS 11. Please update!

Great app. Too bad not supported in iOS11

Not supported by iOS11.


I thought it would be bad but it was pretty good i love it i use it alot


I thought the app would be a waste of time but I use it everyday. Can't wait for more features to come out.


This app beautifully designed. I like this way better than Flick Tunes or Pocket Tunes. I highly recommend the ad free version. Thank you for this app, it's close to perfect.

Very Nice❕??
Hydra vein

So close to giving this app 5 stars. The best features in addition to the gestures are not needing to create a playlist: Being able to pick an artist or album to play is great. Also I like that when I am in the playing screen I can access the track list with a long single tap. There are a lot of neat little customizable settings, from being able to change font to color's. The things I'd like to see changed/fixed/worked on are: It's a little buggy. Sometimes when I start the app to play music, it won't allow me to tap and begin playing. Sometimes the app won't recall the artist I had playing when I start the app up. Or the tracklist. Some directions are a bit confusing. I'm still not sure if there are features on the minimal view that I missed? And how to switch back to classic once I have chosen minimal? Swipes work great most of the time. I reversed the swipes in the settings. Not sure if they actually are reversed. Would like to see the number track I'm on, and in chronological order. Anyway great start. That's all I have at the moment.

Love this music app!!

This music app has replaced all the others I was using on my iPod and iPhone. Worth every one of the 99 penny's I spent to get rid of the ads! I love the particular gestures this app has and the ability to play a specific album in my playlist at the swipe of a finger! What an awesome idea! Being able to customize the font and color of selector is a really nice touch too! I am just so glad I found this music app! It has, so far, rid me of the frustrations I was having in a few of the alternative music apps I was using. I can't wait to see what comes next with this awesome app!!

Gem of an app

It's rare that I find an app so good that I use it daily. This is one of those rare finds. It's great in the car, yes, but I prefer to use it all the time as my default music player. Fantastic design, guys. I happily paid $0.99 for the ad-free version. Thanks!

Great app!

Easy to navigate songs while in the car. Nice simple design. App stays up while playing so you don't have to jump through hoops to change a song.

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