Candy Ninja-Cat Reviews

4/5 rating based on 52 reviews. Read all reviews for Candy Ninja-Cat for iPhone.
Candy Ninja-Cat is free iOS app published by Cheng Zhang



I have been playing this game for years and it is perfect but one thing you guys have got to do is to make Candy Ninja-Cat compatible with iOS 10+ because I miss being able to play this game on my iPhone and it would be greatly appreciated if you did that. Thank You!!!



This game wonโ€™t work at all anymore



:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3 fun fun fun. Buyyyy ittttt :3:3:3! Oh oohhhh, how about; :4:4:4:4:4 for special extraness :4:4;4;4;4:4:4 :3

Gr8 game! ๎–


The game loaded fast and it's really fun! Also the characters r sooo adorable. It's worth $0.99 so I suggest u buy it.

I like it, but...

REverSouL UniverSouL

This game is great it runs smooth has an adorable cat ninja and I can't stop playing it, But with every great game their are still problems to go with it, like my biggest one is I think this game has a problem with me its trolling me I know it is, here's an example I doing really great I'm on like island 5 or 6 and I haven't lost a heart and then the game crashes I don't understand I have an iPhone 4 it shounldn't do that, "why do you do this to me game?" That's not all I get a power up "now I'm cool" or at least till that power up's time runs out and a shuriken pop up at the perfect timing and I can't avoid it, now the game doesn't always do this or I wouldn't have made it to island 6, so I ask can you fix the hate this game puts on me? Oh and make the girl cat on the title screen playable that would be nice.

Great game but...


You got to be kidding me, I bought the game yesterday for 3.99 and today is free... Anyway I love this game, I hope you guy add some gamecenter achievement.

heard certain sounds and music...


somewhere else..if you are a hardcore CONSOLE gamer and played these games where you heard these sounds from you can tell they were not original with their material and should change it quickly before someone notifies the respective companies who own copyrights to this material and gets sued. for those wondering..listen to the "ready..go!" and the music that plays when you fall off. post it on here where they came from!



Cute and addicting but crashes too much please fix ^^

3 months well spent!!!!

Lai B.

I lovvvvve this game. It's uber cute and fun AND has Totoro! That's one of my favorite Studio Ghibli films! Maybe you can put other Studio Ghibli characters in there too and have music from his movies?! Thatd be GREAT!!!



It's so much fun! I love totoro, everything! I wanted it really bad when it was payed and now it's free! Though, when you take a picture, how do you get out of it?