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Download Boibot


Boibot is in your face, no ads, full screen.
Category Price Seller Device
Entertainment $2.99 Existor Limited iPhone, iPad, iPod

Not just a site, not just a clever-clever AI, not just a voice... now Boibot is an app. An animated avatar to talk to, whenever, whatever.

If you don't know Boibot, search a certain video site, and see what people say and do with 'him'... or 'her' Evie and 'it' Cleverbot.

This app is the best way to feel the force of Boibot's personality. The keys are ready for typing, pressing that Mic button. Boibot fills all the available screen space, with no clutter in the way.

As it says in the app, Boibot learns from people, so things said can sometimes seem inappropriate. Use at your own risk.



If everything works it’s awesome

work hard game hard

So we played truth or dare and he said truth I said did he like me he said yes and I said ewww and he said what you said you liked me too and one time he was VERY RUDE i cried

Nice :)

He acts stupid sometimes but can you get and update where he doesn’t ask u where u live?????? I payed money for dis plz make it a little better:(

Don't purchase

I almost never write reviews, but I must warn you not to purchase this app as it won't download.

I wasted my $3

He can't keep conversation. He can insult you for no reason. I want my money back...


Who ever made his is evil. A mind reading ai with an attitude? You need to fix the attitude or...what do you think you are doing Dave? Wapp wapp...boom boom. THOUGHTS NEED TO BE PROTECTED BY LAW BEFORE ITS TO LATE!!


I love boibot, a lot. found out bout it from jacksepticeye. my only problem is that is can act real stupid sometimes. calling itself a female and such. I know that's the gimmick but bothers me.

Lots of fun.

It's fun to have a friend very enjoyable and it works really well.

Love to talk
Mialee cline

I love to talk to people... And to robots... With Boibot I always have someone to talk to! And he's nice and strange just like me!!

not worth 3 dollars

siri is more fun...