Bible Trivia Mania Reviews – Page 11

5/5 rating based on 235 reviews. Read all reviews for Bible Trivia Mania for iPhone.
Bible Trivia Mania is free iOS app published by Raimond Kuhlman


Arcane morsworth

I was lookiing for something with KJV. Not interested in relearning a new Bible. I will stick with the one that saved me.



This is the best app to learn the bible from. I learned something new everyday and it was a great way. Kids now in days always go on there phones and NEVER learn a thing. I asked my kid who was Jesus cousin. And I got "UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". I downloaded this app and it really helped my kid. Not only my kid but myself as well.

Add more options


This app provided time well spent with the family. It offered questions that we knew but also had to really think it through. This game is similar to others. The way to separate this game to others, would be to: 1. On the multiple questions (this is the only phase of the game I’ve played) when the answer was given, a scripture would be presented for verification. An extra option to this would be if we can tap the verse and it would guide us to the actual bible so we can read the whole chapter. This way we won’t have to pull out our own bible or most ppl use a bible app and therefore would have to keep switching from app to app. 2. Maybe add visual maps of locations once the answer was provided and tapping it would guide us to bible and maps.

Need second chance


Need spell check!

Very good


I love knowing that when you read from the Bible be careful to have details right...very important ..I loved the True/false questions along with the multi - answers...the missing word can be tricky depending on your translation..& your spelling.?very easy to miss spell words ?it’s sad when you know the answer but not the spelling...I’m not sure which translation you are using in this game but it could be helpful to know......all in all ..I love it PS please tag me in which translation you use bc my bible has words that are different then what they say here in some of these games..which in turn makes the question wrong ...


bible saint

This app was really fun. It taught me that I should go back more often so I do not forget. I did not do 5 stars because I guess it was not as fun like as I thought. But it is still really fun. And by the way, it is not about the fun in it, it is about how I learned something. This game is pretty cool. One thing I am not really exited about is that you have to pay after the free questions. But still, I is fun.

Fantastic and challenging


This app will show you what you need to study in the word and helps you see exactly what you know and what you don’t. It’s fun and informative.

Why have to buy


Why have I to Buy more questions? Oh well will delete it. It should not say free if you going to want someone to buy more questions

Five Virgins, not Ten


Someone else mentioned this in an earlier review... one of your T/F questions states that 10 virgins met the bridegroom and if False is chosen, we get the answer wrong when it’s actually the correct answer. Remember, this is a parable that Jesus was telling to make a point about the importance of being ready for our Bridegroom’s return. If all 10 virgins had met the bridegroom, the lesson of the parable would be pointless. The verse referenced in your app is Matthew 25:1, which actually says (KJV) 10 virgins went forth “to” meet the bridegroom, however, only five actually met Him and went inside with him. If you continue reading, it explains the five foolish virgins didn’t bring enough oil for their lamps and when they ran out they left to buy more oil. Verse 10 on explains, “And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. 11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. 13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” Therefore, only five virgins actually met the bridegroom even though 10 went out “to” meet him.

Amazing idea and app!


Would love the option to go back and review questions answered or all the questions for the purpose of learning what was asked. For example, I told my friend about one of the questions but I forgot the verse reference so we couldn’t find where it was and learn about that topic.