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Berserk Blobs from Beyond

Join the blob invasion!
Category Price Seller Device
Games $0.99 Layne Bryant iPhone, iPad, iPod

Rampage across the US as a group of angry space blobs bent on world destruction. Lay waste to over 140 US cities as you punch, kick, bite, burp, spin, and bowl your way through swarms of military trying to stop you.

Try to keep your health up by eating humans and animals as you get pummeled by tank shells and machine gun fire. If you lose your health, the earthlings will capture you. You can rescue your captured blobs, but they will be heavily guarded!

Smash everything in sight with your tentacles or kick vehicles into buildings for extra damage. Tag team with 3 different blobs, each with their own berserk powers. The more destruction you do, the more berserk you can go, giving you the power to level a city in seconds!

- Over 140 cities to destroy
- Tanks, helicopters, APC's and soldiers will bring their might to stop you
- 3 blobs to choose from each with their own special berserk powers
- Scoring system keeps track of the damage that you do, by each blob individually and as a team. Top 10 high scores (total damage) are stored locally.
- Graphics and controls are laid out according to the device you are using: iPhone/iPod 3rd generation optimized graphics, iPhone/iPod 4th+ generation retina display compatible for crisp gooey goodness, iPad graphics and control layout for iPads
- Learn US geography and the locations of major cities (It has to have some educational value, right? :)
- Great stress relief!

* Compatible with iOS 3.1 and above


Frank Pierce

This game reminds me a lot of Rampage, only way better! It's simple, yet highly addictive

Hah! I love it!

I love kicking around the tanks and police cars! Especially kicking them into buildings. My favorite blob is the green one "Steve". His burp is totally awesome!

Good stuff!

Fun way to take out some aggression!

Reminds me of rampage grinding days

Fun game... More of an app/toy since there is no score or goal to speak of :/ I can't wait to destroy Houston TX tho <3

Great graphical style and game, but gets boring rather quick

Great game otherwise, something is just missing, or maybe a few things, that would make me play it for hours on end.

Already one of the best

Despite frequent load times, (which is understandable), this is easily a four star app. The only thing lacking is a little depth. A scoring system of some sort would be good. Also, some sort of stats screen to keep up with $ damages, buildings destroyed, people stomped, people eaten, tanks kicked, etc. This would be the sole purpose for owning a touch device if they could get the Toho Godzilla rights and put some bigtime monsters into a game very much like this. Just daydreaming. Love this so far. I'll bump it to five if an update brings some kind of scoring/stats. .

Super Fun!

I'm playing this on my iPad 1 and it is EXTREMELY AWESOME! You roam around as a giant alien smashing cities all over the US, killing people, fighting the military as they try to take you down. The environment is 3D with a dynamic camera always giving you the best view of the action. The controls work great, the graphics are crisp HD quality, framerate is smooth, and sounds and music are excellent. However, there are a couple things I'd like to see improved about this game. First, it would be nice to be able to destroy some major landmarks in different cities. Currently, all the cities more or less look the same, each state has a different background, but the cities don't have any distinguishing features to tie it in with a particular city. For example, when I'm in San Francisco I want to smash the Golden Gate Bridge, or in Seattle the space needle, etc. This would make the major cities recognizable and give us something cool and unique to look forward to smashing in the bigger cities. The other change I'd like to see is on the Menu page, the Continue button and New Game button are too close together; I accidentally reset my game by pushing the wrong button, so they need to be separated. Better yet, once we destroy a city, just leave it unlocked, so we can always revisit it and try to get a higher score. Resetting the game should be hidden away under Options or something. These 2 changes would make this game even more awesome.

A Great Find!

Not perfect, but by FAR the best monster destroying city game I've found on the app store. MUCH better than: Fingerzilla, Destructopus, Robot Rampage, & Doodle vs. Brute. Save your money & time - ignore all of those, and stick with the Blobs! I really hope this app will be maintained & updated by it's devs.

By Fluffy

Fluffy likes it but I don't (Fluffy is a ? ok!)

Why build when you can destroy?

This is awesome, 3 requests, 1. Let us listen to our music while in the game, 2. Add a few characters like robots and godzilla type things with more powers like firebreath, 3. An infinite mode, let us destroy until we are destroyed. Anyway, this is epic! If you dont have it get it!

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