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Bedtime Math

Parents know to read to their kids at night, but what about math? Our mission is simple: to make math a fun part of kids' everyday lives, as beloved as the bedtime story. Choose the Math Problem of the Day, or explore over 1600 additional math problems with various zany topics, ranging from electric eels and chocolate chips to roller coasters and flamingos. Each has three levels of challenge ("Wee Ones," "Little Kids," and "Big Kids"), and many also have harder questions ("The Sky's the Limit") for really big kids, grown-ups, and anyone who's feeling brave!
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Education Free BEDTIME MATH FOUNDATION INC iPhone, iPad, iPod

Bedtime Math gets kids jazzed about numbers. It's nothing like school. Make it a part of your family's routine today!


Great app

We love this app and what it does for our children! Thanks for the hard work!

Love it!
Mrs. Ritz

I don’t have littles anymore, but I highly recommend this free app to the parents of my students. I love the stories and math problems every night. Kids love it and it may help raise math test scores. Using this will help children build confidence in their mathematical abilities. It is also a great daily language booster. One of the best apps!

Almost perfect.

I love it! I just wish the text was easier to read-

Errors = less excited about math

We homeschool our three children. At first, there was much to be excited about in bedtime math. The problems were broken down to different age levels and the interface appeared easy to use. We liked that it integrated math into other subject areas like geography and science. We started to set aside time to do it with our kids with the hopes that eventually they would pick it up to do some on their own. Unfortunately, we came across a few places where the language was difficult to understand. This made us all less excited to use the app as we spent more time trying to interpret what the questions were than actually doing math. One time, there was a question about stacking cars and elephants in “different combinations” (I can’t remember if that was the precise language). I had to look ahead at the answer to figure out whether this was a problem about patterns or about how to add numbers of each item to get a specified total. Needless to say, my child got distracted and frustrated while I sorted it out. Another day, my daughter went to go use it on her own and then she started saying to me “I don’t understand this”. I thought maybe the math was too advanced for her and was ready to teach her something new but when I looked at the problem, I saw that the wording mixed up “vegetables” and carrots and different types of vegetables in the pictures. Again, I can’t recall exactly what the mistakes were in the language of the math problem, but it was enough that both my daughter and I just skipped it. We actually haven’t used the app since that time. It is very frustrating because these errors actually make the children (and parents) *less* excited about math, which I hardly think is the goal. And even though it was a monetarily “free” app, we ended up wasting valuable learning time trying to figure out what the daily problems were asking. Our time would have been much, much better spent counting beans.


My kids love the interactive approach and the stories!

Changed my daughter's attitude towards math

The idea is simple yet brilliant - make math as cuddly, fun and commonplace as a bedtime story. My daughter was annoyed the first night I introduced this to her bedtime routine, accepting the second night, and by the third night she wanted math before her story. It has completely transformed my daughter's attitude towards math. We do the problems together and I let her see me struggle while I think through each step out loud so that she knows it's ok and even fun to wrestle with math challenges. I've told every teacher I know to introduce bedtime math to their students' families.

Great App, Great program!
mrs. sazama

My son never forgets to ask about Bedtime Math--we love it!! I have passed it along to his teacher, who passed it along to the elementary school. A+ for Bedtime Math!


So glad to have this app. We have been getting the daily emails for a few months. Now our kids beg for a math problem every night!


I love Bedtime Math! I shared it with the math curriculum supervisor at our school (who also passed it on to student families) AND integrate not my evening routine with my 2nd & 3rd grader. It's really smart & they love it too!

Better than my grandma lullabies
MathDad Leo

My son refuses to go to bed without Bedtime Math. He loves listening to a short story, learning new concepts, and solving problems. It's so great to see him fall asleep with new confidence and a big smile !



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