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Bar-Eeze is a social networking platform that serves as a crystal ball for nightlife. Users may view the current status of any bar. We present to you Vibe Badges! A quick way to view or select the bar's current atmosphere. No more wondering about the gender ratio, line outside, wait time for a drink and many more factors that will impact your nightly bar decision.
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Lifestyle Free Bar-Eeze LLC iPhone, iPad, iPod

Invite your friends out with one click. Once you are friends with another Bar-Eeze user. Friends will instantly receive a message asking them to join you at your current check in location. You can also message your friends within the app!

The live chat section of the app will give you a more personal look at what's going on at any venue. Connect with users at the same venue as you or see what people are saying at a bar you're thinking of going to. Users can add pictures to the chat and up-vote comments.

Bar-Eeze gives you the power of knowing. Never again wonder what the move for the night is. We've got your back.



I'm so excited for this app to become more known and for more people to start using it because it's going to be so helpful every time I go out with my friends and need to figure out where to go.


I always get nervous going to new bars because I don't know what to expect but now I know what to expect whenever I decide to go out somewhere. A must have app for sure!

Cant wait for this to take off

Just found this app on the app store and i think this is going to be huge once it takes off. I hate going to bars and being disappointed when i get there so this is going to be perfect for knowing exactly where ur going. Also, the whole messaging and friend thing is awesome for meeting new people when u go out. Great social networking app! Really excited!

Next big thing!!!

Bar-Eeze is the key to nightlife plans as soon and as more people hear about it and download it will keep getting better !! No more nights of uncertainty or wasting time and cover fees to get in somewhere you don't want to stay! Very excited to see what happens once it takes off

So dope!

This app is perfect if you're into all things night life, or even if it's your first time out. Love knowing where my friends are going that night and which places are too crowded or not crowded enough! Download download download! Highly Recommended!

Kathie d23

This really is a terrific App that will turn your weekend plans into something special... You will always find which bar is happening that night and your night will be Epic

Awesome app!

Let me start off with saying this. This app is great for anyone at any age that likes to go out! I recently moved to New York from California and with not knowing many people, this app really helps with knowing where the move is especially what age range the bar is and if there's a good male to female ratio. I can't wait to see what this app brings next.

The Best app for finding bars

Really awesome for finding the right bar to go out to on any given night!

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