AWS Certified Solutions Architect Reviews

4/5 rating based on 25 reviews. Read all reviews for AWS Certified Solutions Architect for iPhone.
AWS Certified Solutions Architect is paid iOS app published by Faeez Shaikh

Questions are not related


These questions are ok in general but what you will see in actual certificate exam is far different from these questions. I just passed this certificate and none of these questions were close to the exam.

Ridiculously useless


Absolutely rip off to say the least.

Inaccurate questions


Several questions are out of date and not accurate. I understand the actual exam suffers from the same issue but quality training points that out doesn’t add to the confusion

This app is out of date

Barka Eri

Out of date please update or don’t sell.

Great help


This app is been a great help for my AWS Sol Arc preparation. The questions are quite thoughtful and exam oriented.

Great App


One of the best App. It greatly helped me to clear the exam. Please add some more real world example questions. Thanks Karthik

Good product, but some wrong answers


I ran through the questions and most were great, but some were wrong, such as what VPC stands for. Most of the questions come from the FAQ for the relevant service. Update: the developer has been great at responding to suggestions and errors and updating the app. Several of the concepts (not questions) came up on the exam and the practice and information was very useful in helping me pass.

This is the bees knees


Great ap, super relevant questions which are excellent to use for practicing for your exam. Best mix of complexity I've seen so far

Great app


Great app to prepare for sol arch exam!

Good app


Handy app if you want to practice on the go.simple and easy user interface.