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Download Animal Zoo - VR, 360

Animal Zoo - VR, 360

In the current era, we humans have continued disconnecting from our nature. We more and more depending on the modern era of industrialization and trapped badly in the jungle of Cement and Concrete. We are losing our natural inheritance and beautiful assets faster than before.
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Entertainment Free Kevadiya Rajeshkumar iPhone, iPad, iPod

Due to the fast implementation of industrial and thrust of power, we become the biggest villain in the history of the earth. No other element has ever injured our mother nature so badly than us. We continuous sucking entity of mother nature and making her hollow from inside.

Not only mother nature is suffering from mankind's act of evil. Jungles are continued shrinking and it affects a lot to other animals in the earth. Many animals that are an important part of the natural food chain has been extinct. Many are at the edge of extinction. Those animals have or had the same rights to earth's resources as we have. But mankind continues to block them from their natural resources for its hunger for power.

It is very hard to see a glimpse of the true nature for most of us. We are not able to see our natural animals in their natural habitats. New generation children are a bigger victim than us. They are more away from mother nature than us.

So, We come to you with our new app that will allow you to visualize natural animals in its natural habitats. It is our try to remove barriers between the animal planet and you, especially for new generations.

Animal planet providing the following features:
1) VR: you can see a 360-degree 3D view with VR Box.
2) Motion: moving the screen with just tilting in 3D. (Useful if you have no VR Box)
3) Different moves of the animal in real perfect animation:
i) Walk
ii) Attack
iii) Hit
iv) Bite
v) Run
vi) Double Attack
vii) Death
viii) Jump
ix) Roar
4) The Real sound of the animal to feel more near to nature.
5) The environment of the real jungle with high-quality graphics


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