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AllSet Learning Pinyin

If you're studying Mandarin Chinese, this is the pinyin chart for you. It's the only pinyin chart for the iPad to make full use of zooming and panning controls to make pinyin study easy and enjoyable. The interface is simple, clean, and ad-free. Every pinyin syllable has audio associated, and toggling between the four different tones of Mandarin Chinese is easy.
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Education Free AllSet Learning iPhone, iPad, iPod

More advanced students of Chinese will enjoy the pinyin chart's support for alternate phonetic representations of Mandarin Chinese. The app comes with support for the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for free, but other romanization systems like Wade-Giles, as well as alternate representations like zhuyin (used in Taiwan) are available by in-app purchase.

See how the app works here:

This is our first app. Please give us a review and tell us how you like it!


Useful and accurate.
Bob 24525245

Useful, and the most accurate of the pinyin apps out there (they all differ a bit!). One bug: at least on the iPhone X and iOS 11, the secondary text setting is not saved. I have to re-choose it every day. Please fix this and I will rate the app 5 stars.

Must have Mandarin learning app

After struggling with my Chinese pronunciation and tones for years this app has been extremely useful for getting things straight in my mind. Practice alone first with the included audio then with a teacher to correct.

Great app for learning Chinese

This app is nicely laid-out and very easy to use. I've found it especially useful for hearing the difference between 's' and 'sh', z/zh, -n/-ng, as well as practicing tones.

Pronunciation is Key

After using a similar chart online to perfect my pronunciation, I noticed I was far ahead of my classmates, who still didn't have a solid grasps of the basic pinyin. The iPad app makes it even more convenient.

Fantastic app for pinyin!
Alij sd

A great app that will really help anyone who wants the foundational basics of pinyin. I wish this app had been available a year ago when I started my Chinese lessons. Love love love love it!!

A great place to build your pronunciation base
Nick Winter

Probably one of the most useful exercises you can do when starting to learn Chinese is to solidify your Chinese pronunciation by practicing listening to, then saying, all of the possible syllables. An interactive pinyin chart is a great way to do that, and the design on this one is perfect! Several sessions in bed with AllSet Learning Pinyin will be a very educational experience, and your Chinese pronunciation will be much better than that of your Chinese-learning peers who don't take the time to train their tongues.

Great App… Excellent for Business and daily communication!!!! 5 Stars

Whoever put this together… Thank You! I travel, work and direct market products in China. Communication is very important in every day life… especially business! Believe it or not… Most people in China don't know or speak the english language. Therefore, knowing how to communicate with them in their native language will greatly enhance ones chances for success! I also like the support from AllSet Learning's website. Thank you for Making it Simple!

Major Audio Defect!!!!!
Villian Veteran LUV

This chart would be perfect if it weren't for its defective audio. I understand that it's SUPPOSE to play the sounds of initials, finals and blended combinations of those two when touching each sound, but somehow, the program doesn't work. I went to settings and made sure audio was turned on. Tapping each sound displays a dialogue box with the symbol of the volume icon, but ultimately there is no sound coming out of my speakers! I even uninstalled the app and reinstalled it several times. I'm running this on my iPad2, so its not quite that obsolete yet and I have the latest iOS installed. John Pasden and AllSetLearning, I like you and I love ChinesePod, but plz fix the audio bug defect in your next iteration update. Then it would be awesome and indispensable resource. Much appreciate it.

Works fine for me
Zemao 雜碎

This app is working fine for me and I think it's great if you are just starting to learn Chinese. I have trouble distinguishing between the 2nd and 3rd tones, but this app has helped. If you forget how certain letter combinations are pronounced just open up the app and find what your looking for. I think it would be nice if the app had a testing mode, where you could guess what the sounds were and be able to write the answers in to make it a little harder.

crashes all the time

used to work great, now it just crashes whenever I scroll the chart. was a good app when it worked.

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