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Air Rods

They say there is always light on the end of the tunnel - but does this tunnel have one?
Category Price Seller Device
Games Free Ghassan Kidess iPhone, iPad, iPod

Get ready for the highly anticipated voyage, as you venture through the level, dodge the challenging rods and escape any obstacle you may encounter throughout your flight.

Play in style, as you choose from the item shop, which has three main planes onboard:

- Crop-duster; you can say it will be like sweeping the dust with this one, as you travel through the cool breeze of the crops in fields

- Striker; an aerial treasure, with the speed of lightning, and the silence of the night, striker will pass by in the blink of the eye

- Voyager; if you're taking this one for a ride, make sure you're ready for an adventure like never before

So let us get this straight. Are you ready for the greatest, most difficult, and highly anticipated adventure in the history of mankind?


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