AD:VANTAGE - People’s Currency Icon
Download AD:VANTAGE - People’s Currency

AD:VANTAGE - People’s Currency

AD:VANTAGE is the People's Currency.
Category Price Seller Device
Business Free Blu Vela S.A. iPhone, iPad, iPod

YOU get Paid for paying Attention, not media giants!

Each time you do an action brands have asked you to do (i.e watching commercials, downloading their apps, or just voting) you get some ADVN coins completely free.

You can spend some of yours ADVN Coins in the AD:VANTAGE online Store, if you have Shopping Balance active, or you can participate in Auctions where you can get products from famous fashion brands for your ADVN Coins.

You can also send some of your coins to your friends and relatives all around the world.

All transactions you do in the store or if you just send some coins to your friends, it will all be super fast (around 2 seconds per transaction) and super cheap - just 0,5% transaction fee

Whole AD:VANTAGE system is based on our own blockchain.

Let's make the Digital World to work for you!


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