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Address Book Converter to TXT File

"Address Book Converter to TXT file" - is a simple and reliable way to store contacts on your device and transfer them to any device you wish.
Category Price Seller Device
Utilities $0.99 GUERNSEY NETWORK LP iPhone, iPad, iPod

"Address Book Converter to TXT file" allows you to:
- Backup your mobile phone’s address book
- Hide all contacts on your phone
- Transfer contacts to your phone
- Create or Restore the address book in a few touches
- Merge contacts without duplication

"Address Book Converter to TXT file" can work with text files that allow you to add contacts to your device by importing text files created on the computer.

What should be done to quickly add contacts to your phone:
- Create "Address Book.csv" file in any text editor
- Each line in the file will correspond to the entry in the address book
- Create a record using the separator (delimiter) - |
- Import the file created through the "Address Book Converter to TXT file" using E-Mail or iTunes


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