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Download AdBlock - No Ads Safe and Fast

AdBlock - No Ads Safe and Fast

Are you tired of intrusive advertisement?
Category Price Seller Device
Utilities Free Maria Rosaria Carluccio iPhone, iPad, iPod

If you are tired of ads, you just need to get Adblock No ADS and Safe Browser.
This AdBlock app allows you to block ads on your iOS device.

“Ad Block” is safe, secure, fast and easy to use.
Get rid of 99% of annoying popups, banners and video ads. Protect your privacy, limit bandwidth use, speed up your device, improve your day-to-day iOS experience.
Setting up AdBlock is very simple!
Download the app, and follow the tutorial to set everything up.

The most important advantages of AdBlock are:
*Safe your Privacy
*Secure browser
*Ads are blocked on your device.
*AdBlock allows you to protect your privacy by blocking mobile trackers.
*Blocks malware
*Ads are blocked on your device.
*Adblock regular ads
*AdBlock for Facebook ads
*AdBlock for YouTube ads
*It blocks search ads
*AdBlock allows you to protect your privacy by blocking mobile trackers. *Prevent Internet trackers from recording of your activity.
*Adblock for pop up and pop under ads
*You can block online trackers
*AdBlock does not send your Internet traffic through any remote server.
*AdBlock works with Wi-Fi and cellular networks. You don't need to set it up separately for every network you use.
*All of your connections stay direct, fast and secure.



Appears free in the App Store, but NOT. Can deal with a buck or two for a decent app, but this app seemed like a free or low-cost deal. However it is TOTAL deception... Install, open, and immediately be prompted for a “3-day free trial” this then turns into a $29.95 a month bill!!! You have been warned, stay away from this sham.

Make your app cost money then you misleading swine

Ya mud cake Ya chewed lemon Go away SPRINKLES


You make the app free then once you get into the app you make people pay for a subscription? Wow.


App is free but cannot be used without a subscription. Installed, opened, deleted.


If you think this app is worth $30 a month you’re on meth. Just that simple.

NOT FREE - Bait & Switch

The latest trend in app scams. App is free to download, but does NOTHING unless you sign up for a subscription. $89/yr ? Ridiculous! There are other options out there that will do the same thing with more honesty. Many of the FREE.

complete garbage

should be removed from app store. fraud

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