Want more plz! UPDATE: TY! – Crosslogic HD Review

The new upgrades take a bit of getting used to, but are overall good. Plus, more puzzles, yeah! I do have a few suggestions to put this app at the top of the nonogram/crosslogic puzzles: *highlight the numbers of the row being worked on *cross out completed numbers and rows *please adjust the check/x sensitivity, it's hit or miss. Also, Please have a block or x show up in the highlighted cell When sweeping the row. *add 20x20 cell puzzles, or even 25x25, at least to the HD version. With these suggestions, there will be no competition. Keep up the great work, and please, please, please, keep the puzzles coming! If you love nonograms/picross type games, then you must get this! There are a ton of puzzles, 10x10 and 15 x 15. There are also hints, mistake checker, and you only get 5 mistakes then it's game over. Wonderful interface, all touch. I'm at 65% and I'm starting to worry about what happens when I get to 100%. I might need treatment!
Review by Arcon72 on Crosslogic HD.

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Cross-Logic HD

A Top Notch Great Game
A great game, challenging on many levels, and good story info as well!