Some things never change :) – Crossy Road Review

Yes, i am a Disney fan. Yes i play cross road. Yes it is my favorite game of all time. Yes i like to make things goofy. And yes, i have a complaint or 2. :) First of all, if you are a grammar person and u cant stand the wrong grammar, better go read some other human being’s review cuz it’s probobly going to be “neater” also, this review is directed towards the developers, not people looking to purchase the game :) but u guys who want a laugh can stay as long as you want. -why does it feel like I'm hosting a tv show right now :| Second, you guys are soooo missing some great opportunities. Think about it (this is when i do that cool wave thing with my hand to show you something and talking in that fancy narrator voice that all narrators are jus naturally gifted with)all Disney fans across the world would love this game so much more if we got Disney characters to unlock. I could get a frozen chicken (or whale) for frozen! I could get a magic candle from encanto! I could get a donkey from shrek! I could get the classic shrek himself! But wait. You cant.. Atleast not yet. Me and my committee that totaly exists are here to make an epic change that will go down in history! (like George washington) Which brings me to another thing. George washington. Nah im kidding. There’s people who dont know who George washington is and thats just wrong but whatever. We’re talking about crossly road not George Washington although the two are equally important of course. Anyway, as we can get characters waht if i could unlock backgrounds. (With the fancy wave and narrator voice) i could put an astronaught in candy land! Or, or a kangaroo in Antarctica! Or a penguin in a dessert! And yes. DeSSert. With 2 S in it. Imagine a miniature penguin floating around in a bowl of ice cream. Omg i should totaly go do that. Gosh I get off topic too much. Yeah that was all i had to say. Hope that was helpful, whether about Crossy Road or just to give you a laugh. Life is too short to be like Billy Bob Jo over here ‘ ‘ ___ <————— Billy Bob Jo. He’s very sad because he didnt / \. Play crossy road
Review by 5 star problem solver on Crossy Road.

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