Beware of bogus cooking times! – Mealime Meal Plans & Recipes Review

This is a genius app on many levels. It's got a wide variety of recipes. It has a lot of cost saving features built-in. The ability to pick a menu, then order the groceries directly out of the app is fantastic. The instructions are very clear and easy to follow. The app even tells you what kitchen utensils and appliances and cookware you will need before you begin. Big problem: the cooking times given for meat are ridiculously under-estimated.This is a nightly occurrence. Is your test kitchen at an old steel plant? Are you cooking recipes in a 1600° oven? I can't comprehend someone with expertise calling for such horrifically inaccurate cooking times. It doesn't affect me because I know better than to rely on the times given to this app and I wield a kick*ss meat thermometer. But it worries me to think novice cooks may end up serving under-cooked poultry or pork to family and friends and cause someone to get very sick. Otherwise, it's s great app. But you gotta fix those instructions.
Review by royb200 on Mealime Meal Plans & Recipes.

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