Pretty decent – Instacart Shopper: Earn money Review

I started Instacart when the pandemic started. I’ve experienced the ups and downs of the app. The one that bothers me the most are the constant updates that seem to be faulty and puts a halt on my day and income I usually make from Instacart. Can’t really take up the issue with an algorithm though, so I usually take the day off Instacart when that happens. I do believe InstaCare tries to be helpful, but are limited on information they can give out. So be kind and understanding to them. Although I am currently at a 5 star rating the updates stop sending notifications for certain stores despite being in the area or parking lot. The customers are great and I do enjoy the flexibility of work hours. I have become good friends with some of my customers and other shoppers on my day to day shops. I do believe some people have the wrong impression of Instacart. It isn’t setup to be a full time job, but extra income(second job). In todays economy though with the pandemic A LOT of people have solely depended on Instacart for income. I’ve seen growth in certain area of the app, but lacking in others. Hopefully one day they can be a great company for independent contractors. I’ll give it 5 stars for what it is. An extra source of income
Review by MuffyMcYeeett on Instacart Shopper: Earn money.

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