Love it – Knife Hit Review

I love the game it’s really fun, and I like how they had the ad, like the ad was where the person playing was beating the game and I’m just sitting here rooting for them to win and they did and it made me wanna try it and I hate when developers be trying to make it look hard when you can see that they are literally trying to lose it makes me mad but y’all didn’t do that and I really like that. And it made me wanna download this game. But about the game. I like how it progress and as you go higher it gets harder but it’s not to hard but it’s challenging so some boards are gonna take a little time and multiple try’s and your gonna get mad and rage quit maybe, but it’s definitely a good game. And I’m not gonna complain about the ads because if you really want them off you can pay for them off. But every game has ads and this game wasn’t to unfair with the ads so it’s not that bad, like you could play music to the ads and you’ll be fine but when the ads come on most of them you can turn the sound off so it’s fine. I know this is a lot but I just want to let y’all know this is a good game for whoever is downloading no matter the age.
Review by Jxjfksmdjf on Knife Hit.

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