Too many updates – Flashlight Ⓞ Review

This was a good app for years. However the company is constantly doing updates and wants access to your WiFi and cell data. WHY? It already works, has never crashed, never shows a new function. So what are they doing? The update explanation is ALWAYS “increased stability and performance”. Leave it alone already! It’s just a flashlight, not an interactive leading edge tech gadget. And if they aren’t doing anything hinky, then this is how you break things that already work. UPDATE: they have started asking to track me across all apps. Why? NO! But they don’t take no for an answer so they keep asking. And always right when you need the app. And then show you other apps to buy. Too much of a pain. It’s now uninstalled.
Review by Papadoc1000 on Flashlight Ⓞ.

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