I rely on it. Minor issue still – MealPlan+ Review

Incredible response from the developer that did a good job of addressing the issues. Most are fixed and I can use the app as I did before. One hanging issue left: I still can’t click on a link that’s in the notes; instead I have to tap and hold, select it, copy and paste it into a webpage, even though the text looks like a hyperlink. Original review: The app has been crashing on me every time I open it. It seems to be related to having web links in the notes. Before the last recipe I added, I was relying on it heavily. It was easy to get groceries for any number of days, and I really loved having a grocery list and recipe keeper combined. Glitches I’ve noticed: As stated, links in the notes are troublesome. Sometimes, meat from recipes don’t appear on the grocery list. Recipe suggestions only work if you populate every meal every day for a certain number of days. Not a glitch, but measurements only allow decimals, so I can’t tap “1/3 cup” but have to use 0.33 instead. Things I love: I can sync between my phone and my husband’s, so we both know what groceries to get or what the meal is without having to ask each other lots of questions. I like how easy it is to search through recipes, and how easy it is to categorize. I like that I can add photos, too.
Review by LarissaR on MealPlan+.

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