Is...that it? – The Wonder Weeks Review

I saw on a bunch of places to buy this app, it was so helpful. Okay, as a FTM I figured wth. But it’s useless. I don’t understand why anyone would use it. It basically lists the days your baby might be cranky. They call it “going through a leap” and guess what, it’s almost every day. Like, three weeks of a month are “leaps” and baby will be cranky...oh but leaps might also come a week early or boom, suddenly every week of the month could be baby “leaping”. And that’s it. Nothing to actually help. Just, “baby will be cranky” So many moms I know are like, “my baby’s cranky, but she’s in the middle of a leap!” No, your baby is cranky because babies get cranky. Don’t waste your money on this.
Review by kaitzi on The Wonder Weeks.

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Great app


Huge help!