Did I finish the game? – Dwarf Quest Review

I like the casual dungeon game. This one is easy to pick back up. And when you die, it saves your game right outside where you were when you died, often with a little extra health to overcome the challenge. This game is pretty good for basic game play - graphics, controls. Themap is helpful but needs to mark things like chests that need keys to open. Story is light but good so I'd like more of it. Enemy difficulty is about right, maybe too predictable. (spoiler alert) Where I am confused is, I have 5000 gold and no where to spend it. I also got to a circular dungeon with a boss in the middle who shoots electric bolts. There is cool triumphant music that plays as I battle him. When he died, nothing. No door opened. Nothing happened. I just wonder the dungeon in search of the next place. Nothing shows up on the map as a placebo haven't been. If that's the ending, it is totally lame for such a cool game.
Review by my nickname for me on Dwarf Quest.

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