Fun and Nostalgic with Gamebreaking Bugs – FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS Review

If you love Final Fantasy, you’ll probably enjoy this game. Unfortunately every decision made by the developer has the bottom line in mind - NOT the player. Bugs that accidentally benefit players are identified and patched within hours. Any other bugs—including ones that cause the game to become literally unplayable—get added to a “list.” That list is basically the Devs saying “eh we’ll get to this whenever we want which could be 2 weeks or 7 months from now.” Unless they sweep it under the rug and pretend it doesn’t exist which also happens frequently. Since the underlying game itself is actually fun, I’ll be happy to upgrade my rating to 4 or even 5 stars as soon as they get a halfway decent QA team Lastly, don’t fall for the shady loot box psychology. This game is 100% playable without spending a dime, but all the shiny flashing lights and RNG mechanics are designed to get you to open your wallet. It’s not necessary to spend anything to enjoy this game
Review by ChazMichaelMichaels on FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS.


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