Impressive app, but needs some polish – Continuous .NET C# and F# IDE Review

My full time job is iOS development using Xamarin, and when I first downloaded this app, I was impressed with how well it worked. However, after using it a bit more, there's definitely some room for improvement. The app works well enough that I still recommend it to friends and co-workers, but I have a pretty long list of things that bug me. Almost all of them are related to convenience when editing code, but they add up: Editing: • Highlighting code and pressing tab replaces all of the code with a tab character, rather than indenting it. Similarly, pressing shift+tab doesn't unindent code. • Pressing delete at the end of an empty line doesn't delete the line. It starts deleting the whitespace instead. • Cmd + / doesn't comment and uncomment code. • Undo almost always just destroys your code, turning it into an awful mess. You're better off just manually undoing a change in most cases. Code Completion: • Neither tab nor space accepts code completion. This is more of a personal preference, but something more customizable and similar to real IDEs would be nice. • Pressing the up and down arrow keys on a keyboard doesn't navigate through the list of code completions. • There's no way to dismiss the code completions (that I'm aware of). Project Management: • There's no easy way to share projects between devices. Something like Git would be amazing. I believe the developer said they couldn't add Git integration because it was against the App Store Guidelines, but I don't believe that case. Running user-provided code should be perfectly acceptable (similar to Swift Playgrounds). The only time that downloading code isn't okay is when it completely changes the app's behavior and intended purpose. • The organization of projects and files is still a little weird. Perhaps it's just because I'm not familiar with it yet, but it's quite different from any other app I've used on both macOS and iOS. • There's no easy way to reference existing projects that I've found. This limits the abilities of this app a bit, but I don't know that it's really essential. All in all, don't get me wrong. This app is great and it's quite easy to work with. I like using it when I want to test something quick, or when I want to teach friends about C#, Xamarin, UIKit, etc. There just happen to be quite a few areas where small changes could introduce substantial improvements in usability.
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