Why are payoffs so lousy – DoubleDown™ Casino Vegas Slots Review

I have been playing DD for about 15 years. They are the best app on the market because they have soooooo many games which are fun. However, after playing for years and years (and I play for 2+hours in a day) I’m still at level 11. How does that work. I have 2 devices that I play on. One device is STILL at the lowest diamond and my other is at the 2nd diamond. Maybe some people have endless hours in a day to do nothing but play DD. I however do not. The bonus’s are very few and far between and when you get one, the payouts are really low. Like one review said, this is not for real money so why make the payouts so ridiculously low. Yes, I’m still playing but it’s getting more and more frustrating.
Review by Linniebuns on DoubleDown™ Casino Vegas Slots.

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