In-depth review – Drive The Auto 5 Review

The game just starts with the best opening that absolutely grips your interest. You’re standing in a empty lot with just a car. You already know what to do and without thinking you hop in a tear down the beautiful but desolate streets. Where did everyone go? Who knows? Perhaps the empty streets portrays the emptiness of a criminal life style and the lack of people shows how it drives everyone away. But you’re busy on that last job, the one to leave the criminal life. You try to turn but the poorly modeled streets are made of ice and your tires are just wheels of butter. You seemingly slam into a building and it seems to be the end but no. You slip through the building, the way a good life just slips right through your fingers once you enter that criminal life. You fall into an endless void, the same emptiness you feel once everyone who has cared for you is gone. You suddenly awaken and you’re standing in the lot again. You head towards the car but you stop and remember the premonition you had before getting inside. You decide to take a leisurely stroll down the streets but you’re sluggish, this represents the brutish lifestyle of gang banging and how it lugs you around. You try to look for any landmarks but the engine running the game can’t process anything farther than 5 feet. The inability to see ahead shows just how unpredictable the criminal lifestyle is. You’re on the edge of your seat hoping something happens but to avail, nothing does. The only thing that happens is you drive everyone away and they aren’t coming back. You return to the lot and fall to your knees in anguish, your destructive lifestyle has left you alone.
Review by CarelessCadet on Drive The Auto 5.

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