Got meh – Goat Simulator MMO Simulator Review

I got this on sale, didn’t read the description, and hopped right in. Ya’ll got me for a good embarrassing two minutes making me think it was real. You nailed the natural chat of an MMO. I had a blast reading through the conversations. The game is also a meme. Just made of meme. I love it. Some glitches and crashes around, so I give it 4.20/5, but I round up ;) Edit: Know what would be super dope? A clever bot or some such thing! If a chat where I can’t reply fooled me for a couple of minutes, think of how long a clever bot could fool people where they can interact with it. It would be gold!
Review by 123Lancelot321 on Goat Simulator MMO Simulator.

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quaq-dingo gigiddy gigiddy goo

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$weg-tastical clownfish