Don’t Bother With Any Of The Rest, This Is The Best!! – Electronic Toolbox Pro Review

Like others who have recently posted reviews, I do not normally write them either. Only when 1) an app is really, REALLY excellent 2) I use it continuously- on a daily or near-daily basis 3) I have BEEN using it for a considerable period of time (at least a year usually) I.E. It has STOOD the TEST of TIME 4) Not an absolute requirement, should have an excellent GUI, it should be easy to use and intuitive, regularly updated to take advantage of the latest Apple technology (iPhone and iPad display advancements, Apple A(x) chip capabilities, iOS code/GUI improvements, major new features such as the Retina display back in the day, screen touch sensitivity more recently, dual cameras (wide and tele), iPhone X TrueDepth, etc AND (5) The app should contain No...NO...NO....NOOO ADS, NO POP-UP CRAP that covers part of the screen and hence, part of the app GUI, NO LOCKED or GRAYED-OUT FEATURES with prompts to make in-app purchases in order to simply USE the features that are part of the app, especially sneaky stuff where you knew there were upgrades via in-app purchase, but you thought that you had access to the fundamental features which were what caught your interest in the first place and were the motivational factor behind making the purchase in the first place! And I don’t want it to cost $0.99 just so that I will buy it, only to find out that this costs money, this other thing costs more money, such and such is only a partial version; the full thing is another $5.99 upgrade...and so on. That works for teenage girls looking for apps to make them look pretty when they take selfies and for wasting time and brain cells socializing on the intereb...but it’s not working for me. But I digress... The requirements I’ve listed are rarely fulfilled in their entirety in my 10+ years of iPhone life, and I can probably list on one hand all of the apps that I own which have nailed it completely. 1) SignalScope X by Faber Acoustical 2) iCircuit 3) MultitrackDAW (I’m a musician and recording engineer as well as an EE...) 4) Audiobus 2/3 5) This app. The Toolbox. The most comprehensive collection of data, calculators, formulas, datasheets, product lists, pinouts, connector types, part numbers, reference and cross-references, even access to/the ability to create orders for purchase through RS for example...and of course the actual working tools- the circuit editor, the multimeter and oscilloscope (combined with all of the information and calculators in the toolbox section). Impressive. And it goes on. I think it’s really cool the way the app is set up to be a constant guide and assistant when actually taking on a project in the real world. You have the tools/toolbox for reference and information, you have the circuit editor/meter/scope to do a little preparation and experimentation, and you have a whole purpose-made part of the app for making and saving Projects. I really like that and I like how it gives you a place to begin a new project (in real life or in simulation, doesn’t matter which), you can save and store pdf’s, image files, datasheets, circuit designs, schematics, all sorts of stuff. That is really cool. Well done Marcus. And it is the truth that Marcus is constantly working on the app. Once every week or so I will launch it and find that there’s a new update, and I don’t see him deciding to quit working on it any time soon. And the thing is I do have a whole bunch of other electronics related apps. So it’s not like I’ve just purchased this one and maybe one or two others and I only have a limited point of reference. No, in fact I’ve downloaded every free app related to electronics that exists on the App Store, I’ve purchased probably 90% of the ones that cost money, and the few that are left mostly have to do with some sort of specific thing like for example there is Oscium which is an oscilloscope program yes, but it requires hardware probes and an interface unit and those things cost hundreds of dollars. There’s no point in using the app unless you have that external hardware or if you’re demoing the software to see if you like it and might want to get the hardware. There’s a few others like that which require external hardware and then there’s also a bunch of apps which are ‘extensions’ of some specific piece of equipment. For example, a certain manufacturer of hardware oscilloscopes (very nice ones indeed) offers an iOS app as sort of a “companion” to the hardware. Quite useful, yes, but not required. And of course there’s absolutely zero point in downloading it if you don’t own one of those oscilloscopes. Both of my examples involve oscilloscopes but that was just by accident, there are “companion” apps as well as combo hardware/software (app) packages involving all sorts of things. My point is simply that if I haven’t tried it, it’s likely not even something useful to the masses. So I would say IMHO out of maybe 50 apps out there roughly, that deal with electronics, there are I think two which come close to being as good as this one, none that equal it, and not a one of them can better it. Not one. Which two come close? You’ll just have to wonder... Ok enough dribble. Go and scroll up and down through these reviews. Literally NEARLY EVERY SINGLE REVIEW is not just positive but glowingly so. I was trying to find a negative review and it actually required me to scroll down and further down for a solid minute or two JUST TO FIND ONE.....AND...then when I do, it’s a guy saying that he’s bummed that the app doesn’t have a circuit editor. Ha! So that one doesn’t even count, I went back to scrolling down, finally found another one and it’s a dude saying that the app is freezing up on his such and such iPhone model. Marcus responds saying that he’s sorry about that and that the bug causing that has been fixed. Ha! So that one doesn’t have any relevance at this point. And it really wasn’t even negative, the guy was just having a problem.
Review by Todd House on Electronic Toolbox Pro.

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