Almost perfect – Minecraft Review

This is Dreadlord_246. Some of you may know me since I used to play pigraid. I would like to say hello to you all and goodbye since I will not be back on pigraid for another few years. My other name is Alpha117 and for him, i would like to say that someone has been hacking my second body and did some pretty terrible things to you all. If I could get Xbox live account, I would come back and share everything with those whom the hacker as my double, Alpha117, wronged. Unfortunately, pigraid has been ruined by Xbox live and some of the best pvp gamers including me can no longer get in because of this tyranny act of Xbox live. so, I, Dreadlord_246 (aka) the good Alpha117, have come to say goodbye and goodluck on pigraid. for those of the Xbox live community, i suggest taking back your control over the pvp servers. It is killing minecraft faster. I have played both terraria and this game and i would like to warn you that terraria is rising into its golden age. For terraria, this is just the beginning. save minecraft and return pigraid back to what it once was and save minecraft. i speak for all of the users who can no longer get into the servers, “please. Save minecraft.”
Review by I luv halo on Minecraft.

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