Fix the balance... save the game – Game of Thrones: Conquest ™ Review

Their are at least 2 things making this fail shen it could be great... #1) Not requiring players to upkeep their Armies. This leads to impossibly powerful players who dominate the kingdoms as virtual Gods. All skill is replaced by the almighty credit card. If WB is worried this will hurt their sales... imagine how people would fork over money to pay for sustaining their mega-war machines. Even the series speaks to this with the Iron Bank, Golden Company (a mere 10,000 troops BTW), and the need to have alliances with houses that have required resources... which leads to problem number 2... #2) No Trading / Tribute Closely related to number 1... One of the realities of Alliances and Bannermen... that really fails in this game... is pledging men and/or resources to a liege or trading for them. I am sure your greatest fear is this will lead to developing 3rd party economies seeking to profit from the opportunity... You are dumb to fear this... you are clutching pennies and watching dollars pass you by. This opportunity could exponentially increase the income for your game with the increased game activity it would create... especially if you facilitate it somehow. See what happens if people actually had to feed or pay their armies. Your current upkeep system has zero effect... no one even bothers to consider it... all we care about is having to many resources so we don’t get farmed... not that we need them to upkeep our armies.
Review by JBorean on Game of Thrones: Conquest ™.

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