Confusing – Feedly - Smart News Reader Review

The actual reading news part is confusing AF. You might open the app after not using it for a day and then it says “no new news”. This is obviously wrong. Then you have to swipe or something and it refreshes. Then while you’re reading, it give you news in bite-sized pages. You don’t know how much is left to read. Going back is weird. There is no “click title bar to scroll to top” feature. Then when you’re done reading there is a “you’re done page” which you can still scroll past. This produces an infinity loop of “you’re done pages” or sometimes it just goes back to a (nearly) infinite list of things you’re already ready. Basically I’m either too sober or not enough to understand what’s going on here.
Review by Fulldecent on Feedly - Smart News Reader.

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