Decent so far – CHRONO MA:GIA Review

Edit: They added gold for matches and shop improvements! *^* Thank you!! The game is very similar to Hearthstone, Shadowverse, and whatever card based dueling game you may played. What sets CM apart are the gear skills and unit level up mechanic. Units/Cards all have one of the four card suits (hearts, spades, diamonds, cloves) and a unit attribute (dragonic, demonic, beasts, etc) When summoned units and gear slots have the same suit/attributes you’ll have the option of casting one of nine unique gear skills of a Character. Level up is done by setting a unit on another with an increased cost of 1 mana. This will summon the unit on the following turn with increased stats. (Place on lv 1 to get lv 2, place on lv 2 to get 3/max) You can not set a unit on one that is maxed leveled. The game itself is fun so far with 5-10 minute pvp matches as its focus. There are a few things I have issues with but otherwise I am enjoying it casually: The voices. No offense intended but even if you toggle English in the settings, Karin (katana girl) still speaks in Japanese (Which I’m fine with) However, the English you do hear from other Characters... aren’t very fluent. There are very few voiced lines but I’m sure they’ll all be very memorable. Story mode. It bothers me that I have to use a prebuilt deck even though I made my own... but I can see how it helps with learning the perks of the base Characters. Gold. I’m pretty sure this might be solved with more content in the future but at the moment the only source of gold seems to be giveaways (thanks for the 4k compensation), achievements, and daily log ins. A pack of 5 cards is 400g while the rewards and logins range from 50-100. It’s also bothersome not being able to preview the abilities of the Gifted that you can buy from the store. Otherwise, keep it up. Looking forward to how this game progresses. I’m loving the art.
Review by Tsenluv on CHRONO MA:GIA.


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