Excellent & Comprehensive! – LearnBridge Review

I started learning Bridge about 1-2 years ago, and got the basics down then, but let it lapse and didn’t have an opportunity to play much again until recently. This app has been a great way to relearn the basics and then even just the Constructive Bidding, Part 1 has really made me a much much better player. The best part of learning Bridge from an app is that you get lots of practice right there, as you’re learning the concepts, no more having to “ignore” the East West positions (or the dummy before bidding) in a book. The app has a TON of material. There is a lot to learn and LearnBridge gently and repeatedly helps you to learn it and up your game. Highly recommended. Disclaimer: I personally know the developer having met him recently, but I’ve been completely honest with the above feedback.
Review by Bradferred on LearnBridge.

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