Below you'll find my 'review' of several years ago. I loved this app back then and activated it more than once each day. Alas, someone a few months ago couldn't leave 'perfection' alone, and IMPROVED the format. Now it's just a shadow of its former simplicity; doesn't load as quickly and has clutter that few will like. I would pay money to have the old app back. If you who control this app read this please consider offering the old format for a reasonable price. I'll be happy to join up. BELOW IS WHAT I WROTE ABOUT THE OLD APP, BEFORE CURRENT REVISIONS: This app shows you the weather as recorded at any airport you designate, and gives that to you in "real time", updating that weather every hour. Since aviation requires current, accurate weather, you receive this benefit when you use this app. I've been using this for about a year now and it always works and is simple to use. It allows you to make a list of as many locations as you would like, and displays current weather at each of those when you open the app. You can choose a location by the name of the airport or by the name of a town. My own list, arranged in the order I desire, now contains 22 locations scattered across the USA and the Bahama Islands. I see this list, with current weather for each location, each time I open this app. Info includes current temperature, humidity, wind direction and speed, amount of cloud cover and forecast weather for the next 24 hours; along with with information about the airport where this data was collected. Very helpful for anyone who is traveling or who participates in outdoor activities which are affected A
Review by DisappointingApp on AeroWeather Lite.

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