MSP LISTEN – MovieStarPlanet Review

Ok so I have have been a member of moviestarplanet since I was 6 years old I’m almost 12 and it HAS CHANGED I don’t even KNOW what to say...I was on my account named hamra or some and I said crap (I was six trying to be cool) and I got locked forever that made me sad because that was my favorite and first ever acc (by the way I have learned you can’t say account so I say acc) but I do support that the word gay is unblocked because though I’m not gay bisexual or lesbian, I support it because msp lets more and more people express them selfs and more and more are coming out in there also when making a movie it’s a little glitchy and when you are making an art book you can’t do the animations bigger than it was when you put it in there it’s complicated and I think you should check on that
Review by g+ suxs coc on MovieStarPlanet.

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