Buggy – Shift Media Creator Review

I can only seem to use photos that were taken with my phone. If I import JPG photos from other sources, the app allows me choose them from the library, but then uses the last photo I successfully made into a background instead. Being that you can pan and zoom photos, it shouldn't be a problem if a photo comes from another camera as long as it's in the right format. Also, all the buttons/tapable items in this app are greyed out and always look like they are disabled. This caused much confusion for me when I first started using the app to create media until I realized that the buttons aren't actually disabled, they just have poor interface design. Downloading the extra packs of still and motion overlays was also buggy and confusing. It would say a pack had finished downloading and then you would go to try to use it and it would give you an error that it wasn't actually downloaded and it would start the download of that pack again. This app might be worth 99¢ if you can overlook the bugs, but it's definitely not worth the $4.99 they're charging for it. If you want to charge that much, maybe actually put some thought into the UX and eliminate the incredible number of bugs this has.
Review by chrisalley on Shift Media Creator.

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