App is HUGE --> 850.40 MB!!! – Wallaby Review

Your app is my #1 largest file sized app at 850.40 MB, almost 1 GB!!! Why? Their should be no reason why this app is so large and taking up all of my device space!!! My photos and videos are only taking up 450MB, almost half of what Wallaby is taking... and I have a lot of pictures and videos!!!. Your app is listed as a small file size so why is it over 850MB on my device. Adding credit cards in the app should not have a file size this big. Did you not delete the data file when you changed the card provider info in the previous updates? Meaning is it possible their is a duplicate data file? If so please update this and fix why the app is soooo large. You have continuously provided updates that have caused more problems than good.
Review by spotty287 on Wallaby.

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