I'm still debating on this one – My Christmas List Review

After reviewing about 12 Christmas gift apps, I liked a lot of things about this one. This one has many sorting options, almost too many. I thought it would be nice if the lists could be integrated a bit more. I liked that it had a total budget list, but one suggestion would be to give the amount budgeted for an individual out of the total, and show the amount remaining. The most important change that I'd like to see, would be a check-off list by both people and stores, not just gifts. Another important improvement would be to list gift amounts without deducting from the total until you're ready, allowing the capability to plan a budget. Finally, it would be nice to provide an email capability and add cents to the amounts. I really like that there are so many ways to organize your information, and the password & editing capabilities.To give this app 5 stars, it would be nice if some of these changes could be made before Christmas. Thanks for the app!
Review by Looberoo on My Christmas List.

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