So much gone wrong – YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream Review

1. (Dangerous comments) the comment section is now automatically opened up and not only causes a few more seconds to load, but the second I clicked on an animation, I see a scam bot as top comment, this makes accidentally clicking on these potential viruses more possible. You should try to add an "are you sure" box, in case someone clicks on a dangerous link by accident. 2. #WTFU A YouTuber named lockstin/gnoggin got a copyright strike on a video by an anime publisher named Shopro, despite his video having NOTHING to do with any anime, no clips, screen shots, nothing! Fix your copyright system and take these anus-wipes to court (or give them a systematic penalty or punishment). 3. (Hypocrites) While the whole demonetization thing isn't really the biggest issue (that goes to copyright) I still find it odd that you don't give ad revenue to videos with violence or cussing...but the advertisers are allowed to show (without viewer consent or discretion) unskippable 30-second long ads for things like Blair Witch and Don't Breathe. I don't mind the whole policy change, but try to at least uphold these rules and refrain from solving everything with inconsistent and flawed bots.
Review by Ifrit101 on YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream.

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This is a joke, right?
A very angry person ?



Holy Crap
Egg been